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主廚精選無菜單料理是集合多樣菜式的私人菜單:採用優質食材:龍蝦、Prime等級牛排及和牛、西班牙橡子飼養豬肉、鵝肝等等。VIGNA 之道 ,強調優選食材以及烹調技術,創作出來的菜色不是為了美觀好看,華而不實,反而是追求與堅持在:風味、口感與平衡

LINE: @VIGNA (首選方式 preferred)

03-5679906 (9:00-21:00)

0984-366637 (11:30-21:00 Mon-Fri)

Chef's Choice is a multi-course private dining menu using premium ingredients such as lobster, US Prime & Wagyu beef, Iberico Bellota pork, foie gras etc.

Our philosophy emphasizes ingredients and cooking technique. We do not create dishes for the sake of presentation, instead flavor, texture & balance are our drivers.

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