葡萄品種 Grape:
Tinta de Toro
產區 Region:
說明 Description:
強烈的風味與單寧,酒體豐厚的紅酒, 葡萄取自 Las Tierras產區村莊級的單一葡萄園
powerful, concentrated, full flavored red with strong tannins and a long sweet finish, 3 pre-phylloxera vineyards planted between 1845-1962
風味&香氣 Flavor & Aroma:
blueberry, clack cherry, cocoa, sweet spicce
年份 Vintage: 2014/5
評分 Ratings:
Guia Penin 93 Robert Parker 90
Las Tierras Old Vine Single Vineyard 2014/5
White or Red: Red