葡萄品種 Grape:
Pinot Noir
產區 Region:
說明 Description:
輕盈且低調的口感、充分顯示出黑皮諾(Pinot Noir)典型的品種特徵, 使用不銹鋼槽與舊的大橡木桶進行陳釀, 以保持其葡萄原始特性與口感
a light and understated red which shows of the typical varietal character, aged in steel and used large oak barrels to show of the original varietal character
風味&香氣 Flavor & Aroma:
cherry, sweet spice, forest floor
年份 Vintage: 2017
評分 Ratings:
Nett Spaetburgunder Pinot Noir 2017
White or Red: Red